Friday 10 May 2019

Posted by Md Neser Uddin On May 10, 2019
Kantaji Temple is a late-medieval Hindu sanctuary situated in the north-western piece of Bangladesh. It is a standout amongst the most great religious buildings having a place with the eighteenth century. 
The sanctuary has a place with the prevalent Hindu god Kanta or Krishna, and is most famous with the gather of significant love of Radha-Krishna in Bengal. Devoted to Krishna and his significant other Rukmini, Kantaji Temple is one of the best instances of earthenware design in Bangladesh. 
The Making of Kantaji Temple 
Maharaja Prannath of Dinajpur started its development in 1722 AD. His embraced child Maharaja Ramnath finished it in 1752 AD so as to satisfy the associate of Rukmini in satisfaction of his dad's desire. In any case, in the mid twentieth century Maharaja Girijanath Bahadur reestablished it significantly, with the exception of the missing nine towers, which were all pulverized in a quake that occurred in 1897. 
Design of Kantaji Temple 
Kantaji sanctuary is based on a glorious pyramidal style with three subsiding porches. It was delegated with nine decorative ratnas (gems) or towers on the edge of the three patios. These gave it an appearance of a gigantic Ratha or a lavish chariot laying on a high plinth. It was furnished with angled openings on each of the four sides so as to empower aficionados to see the god cherished inside from all headings. 
The sanctuary remains in the focal point of an oval court encased by an explorer shed with creased tin rooftop. It is based on a 1.00 meter high plinth of stone. The bended cornice of the ground floor is pointedly hanging at the corners. There are little square cells at every one of the four corners of the ground and first floors for supporting the overwhelming heap of the resplendent octagonal corner towers above. 
The sanctuary suits four rectangular passageways on the ground floor around the petition load. On the ground floor, there are three multi-cusped curved passageways on each side, each isolated by two lavishly beautified block columns. A thin portion of staircase is incorporated with the western second hall, ends up through its dull section to the principal, second, and third stories. 
A little neglected single spired sanctuary, presently congested with rank vegetation, remains around one hundred yards north of the primary sanctuary past the pioneer shed, which is accepted to have been raised by Maharaja Prannath in 1704 where he at first introduced the Krisna symbol, brought from Brindaban. The symbol was later exchanged to the 'nava ratna' sanctuary when finished. It is presently a surrendered sanctuary. 

Earthenware Decoration of Kantaji Temple 
Each accessible inch of its divider surface from the base to the peak of its three stories, both all around, is finished with stunning abundance of figured and flower earthenware workmanship in whole progression. 
The immense range of topic incorporate the narratives of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, the adventures of Krisna, and a progression of very intriguing contemporary social scenes delineating the most loved hobbies of the landed gentry. 
The surprising abundance, delicacy of displaying, and the magnificence of its cautiously coordinated friezes has only here and there been outperformed by any wall painting specialty of its sort in Bengal. In any case, one unmistakably wonderful part of the astonishing earthenware ornamentation of Kantaji sanctuary is its limitation in delineating sensual scenes. In this, it is not at all like Orissan and South Indian sanctuaries. 
The earthenware embellishments on the Kantanagar sanctuary dividers are of entirely unexpected nature from the other earthenware works found in the Buddhist sanctuaries from Pala line from seventh eighth century. They speak to an exceptionally complex develop workmanship with an all around cautiously coordinated plan of embellishment. 
In opposition to the prior convention of separated and to some degree disconnected structure, the craftsmanship in this sanctuary was made out of a few individual plaques, coordinated into an all-encompassing arrangement with the goal that the whole space pursued a beat. 
Step by step instructions to go Kantaji Temple 
Take a train or transport from Dhaka to Dinajpur. Upon landing, jump on a transport toward Takurgaon and disclose to them you'll go to Kantaji Temple. They will drop you on the closest transport station of the sanctuary. Take a rickshaw or auto-rickshaw from the transport station to the sanctuary. In the event that you are originating from Rangpur, take a transport toward Dinajpur and get off at the Dosmail stoppage. From that point, hop on a mutual CNG to the closest bust station of Kantaji Temple, at that point take another CNG or rickshaw to achieve the sanctuary. 
Visiting long periods of Kantaji Temple 
Kantaji Temple is constantly open for the guests. You can enter the sanctuary whenever of the day to visit. 
Section charges of Kantaji Temple 
Being a religious site, Kantaji sanctuary does not require any ticket for both neighborhood and outside guests. They will anyway require 20 tk leaving charge in the event that you have any vehicle with you. Think about giving some gift to the sanctuary while visiting.


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